Whilst sorting through some photos on my computer recently, I came across this one and realised it has almost been an entire year since I turned 21. After the initial shock and mini freak-out, I began thinking about how much has changed since then. In some ways I was happier then, as I still to this day think my 21st birthday was one of the best days of my life so far as I was surrounded by all the people I love most. But then I think about how much I've grown and developed into a significantly different person since then and how happy I am with the changes I've made.
When this picture was taken I had no idea what I would be doing in 2014 and was not enjoying the course I was doing at the time, all that much. Now I am studying to do something I will hopefully be able to make a living out of, which is so exciting not only because of the financial stability that will offer, but because I have unexpectedly found something I absolutely adore. Teaching was something I entered in to because people had told me they thought I would be good at it and because I knew I needed to do something practical but I honestly did not expect to love it as much as I do.
I have also grown into a far more independent person than I ever knew I could be, and I feel stronger, more capable, and ready to take on new challenges than I ever have in my life.
Even though recently I have been feeling incredibly overwhelmed with Uni work, placement, and work, I am lucky enough to have an incredible group of family and friends around me constantly that I sometimes forget to appreciate. I honestly do not know howI would have made it through some of the difficult times in the last few weeks and months if it were not for these incredible people, and I want to make more of an effort to let them know that.
I've also been neglecting my beloved bookshelf recently and haven't read an entire book in far too long. With the business of Uni, assignments, work, and general life, I just haven't found the time for it which I don't think is good enough. I have over 50 books on my shelf that have yet to be read and I want to make a significant dent in that number this year. It's easy to forget that you need to make time for your hobbies and loves in life, and I also want to make more of an effort to read regularly.
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